Monday, 1 November 2010

Re-take Cubie

This time for our loverly little animated cubies we have to make them look like their having a double take (looking at an object then looking away then looking back again) the most common short film that shows this is pixars lamps! i think i counted at least 3....well anyhow i decided that i was going to try make my cubie as basic as possible, because i think i over crowded my last cubie with to many moving parts and not concentrating on the actual shock which i was aiming for, so i tried to follow the idea of hertzfeldt were he only really has one part of the object moving for instance billy's balloon were the only thing that is moving is the rattle.
so at the beginning i only had my cubie scratching his back and nothing els then only the head moved and so on.
I also wanted to practise using the same frame for instance the scratching of the back, and then turning of the head were id just  re use the last frames backwards....all i can say is its very confuzzling at times haha,
my idea of my cubies double take is that they look over their shoulder not really taking much notice then looking away then to move round again but not so much in a shocked manner but in a way that its meant to be 'wow thats not usually there' or just 'oh'..hehe ^_^
to be honest i think this is maybe my best cubie iv done, im starting to get the hang of it and im feeling a bit more relaxed. positive thinking always the way forward =]

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