Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Infinitus Artificium - Progression and making of Scene 4

With the making of Scene 4, Because its so short I needed to find an effective artistic form that could hold itself and still blend well within the previous and next scene.
For the artistic Influence I looked into Erica Russels brilliant shorts films based off african dancings in an experimental artistic form.
I enjoyed the Line work overlaying the block segmants of the body and decided to incorporate this into this very short scene.
Scene 4.1
Keeping with the warm colours which help give a feeling of joy and happiness I decided to start off with a base colour of spiced orange and displaying in as previously mentioned segments. Making a sort of mix match of shapes which form into the figure of the body. Using no line work to depict the outlines I wanted the shapes to form the body and nothing els.
Using a brush which hopefully resembles inky stains or 'sploges' I started to work around the body taking into acount the timing of the live footage and motion capture footage but not relaying on it as i would if i were to rotoscope.
At the end of the scene I thought of experimenting a bit with layering the arms to cause a sort of onion skin effect which leaves a trace of the movements of the arm. This was pure experimental and after deciding it looked quite effective I stuck with it. Althought i did experiment with layering the rest of the body, to form a ghostly appearance behind the image but this looked fairly messy and since the scene is short, looked a bit odd. In the end only the arms were layered.
Scene 4.2
In this scene I decided to change the colour to contrast the orange tone which brought me onto the colour green. Also highly known for its resemblence of Joy and hope.
To make this mold easily with the segements of body shapes I looked at the way that Erica Russel outlines her figure aswell as Ryan Woodward. I noticed that they sometimes have a specific main line which runs the length of the body and sometimes doesnt line up the the actual curviture of the body. I decided to use the line mostly on what I would depict as the shadowed areas of the dancers body.
This was drawn with a bold inked pen with no texture. I decided not to use a texture on the line work as I wanted it to stand out amougnst the highgly textures underlay from Scene 4.1.
Scene 4.3
With scene 4.3 I decided to experiment with thine outlines in a sort of static animated effect but due to colouring you cant exactly notice the animation itself but if you look closly to the right hand side of the figure you can make out a very faint lime green aray of static lines. In the end i decided not to have this experiment displayed in the final scene. This is due to two parts. The first is the colouring, I didnt want to use orange or different shades as orange, aswell as yellow as its already highly used throughout the 'joy' section. I couldnt use green as it would clash with the line work displayed in scene 4.2.
The last reason why i cut this layer from the final scene is because it looked as though it lacked in skill and artistic talent. It Didnt resemble 'joy'. Hence it was cut out.
Scene 4.4
the last scene is all of the layers displayed in one final scene. When they are all together i beleive it works well. The scene is quick and simple with a strong artistic style. It can easily blend in with  the
previous scene aswell as the next upcoming scene. The colours are bold and show alot in such a short amount of time.

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