Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Infinitus Artificium - Production talk

So ive just had a meeting with one of my course lectuers and explained my idea and how itll look and work.
From this i was given some stuff to think about and their concerns towards the project (these are not their actual words but an outline of what was mentioned);

C.L - Think about possibly putting in a story or at least a narrative to help understand what the story is about.

Me - what i want from this project is to help people use their imagination and to show them what you can do with the imagination through music, dance and art! that everything has a story, but people may read the stories in different and unique ways! hence why i dont want to have a story in mine. Ill put in an outline towards how you can watch and listen to these art styles but i want the viewer to do the rest. The base for this project is showing the figure in movement in different variations. Generally with the dance rehersals a story will form so that they can understand were to go with the project but in the end it will be down to the viewer, my project is just the starting point. The art is what makes the piece.

C.L - Your animators could do a completly different style to how you want and take over your project and not make it yours anymore.

Me -  I want people to experiment and to show me how they view a dance movement, how they imagine to movement to look! Inwhich i shall view a test of what they want to put towards this project and decide wether or not it is worth putting in and if it will flow well with the rest of the work. If it doesnt i will point them into a direction were they can still use their art style but modify it to fit within the piece! I have no intension of having pieces of art i think will not flow, and i intend on being very strict with this project as it is what i want! but i also want people to enjoy it in ways they think works well. Its not a set in stone art style, but there are guide lines to follow to make sure it flows nicely.

C.L - How will the collaboration work with the dancers, music composer and yourself?

Me - I live with Katie who is the choreographer for this project. And am very close to Nicky, the music composer. I havent chosen them due to friendship but because i know their work, i beleive that what they can give me, towards this project, will be brilliant and exactly how i imagined it. And that they will take critisism on board.
With Katie I have asked her to film the sequences they do each time they reherse and watch them to see how the progress is going. We also have daily chats inwhich we discuss anything that we think could be influencial towards this piece, and in what direction we can go with it. I will also be attending Their rehersal sessions inwhich i can put my input and discuss any plans of actions.
Once i get some animators on board aswell i will have them attend some of these rehersals with drawing equipment, inwhich they will draw the dancers in movement, and get an understanding of how they move and what their characters and emtions are. Which will make them ready for the animation stage, as they will have enough references from these rehersals to work with.

Regarding music i have weekly meetings with Nicky, and we swap over music that we think would go well with the dancers and How we want the music to show through! in these meeting we will write some music and discuss any routes around things, bearing in mind how the dancers can move to it. I will also have Katie attend some of these meeting or as much as possible so that she can put some input towards it regarding the dancing side of it.
From the very beginning the 3 art forms will be working as one. I have chosen four to five specific songs which i think the music would sound like (which i have posted on this blog) which Nicky can work with to create the music i want. Ive also given the music to the dancers so that they can get an understanding as to the type of music they will be working with. Nicky is also going to try and make it to some of the dance rehersals so that she can be influenced by some of the experimental movements the dancers have come up with.

Its a bit like a triangle. The music is influenced by the movement of the dancers and the art behind the animation. The dance is influenced by the music and influenced by how the animation can interprit their movement. The animation is influenced by how the music expresses the dancers movement while the movement of the dancers express the reasoning behind the music. To acheive this everyone must work with each other closely. Which is already in motion.

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