Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Infinitus Artificium - Dance practise

After discussing with Katie about what i wanted from the dance routine Katie set up a rehersal were two out of the four dancers would work out some moves and test some movement out ready for the actual piece. I also sent them the music which im influenced with and what Nicky (the composer) is going to work from. Which are the Escala videos.

They put the music to this short sequence to see how it worked but found that the moves were possibly a bit slow for the music itself as the music is very strong and fast paced. But thats what these sessions are for =]

Generally they have told me that they are really excited to work in collaboration with me and have already had plenty to talk about regarding the dance sequence.

Which makes me excited!

The dancers meet up Most days and often have the same lectures inwhich they can work well together and help throw ideas at each other.

I will be updating more videos as the days go by with their work.


On a side note but slightly related, i have a pitch tomorrow infront of my course and basically pitch my idea to them in hope that they will be kean on working with me.

If people are keen i will either send them this video (which they can choose a move or a couple of seconds from) or make a cut from it only a couple of seconds long inwhich i will ask them to animate. they can do it in what ever style they want and how ever they want it. then if they send it back to me i can see which ones id like to work with =]

Hopefully it will all work out.

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